
Walk Once a Week

New Year - New challenge
Happy New year and welcome back to school. As we start a new year, it is a time to make a positive change or take on a new challenge. Today I have set the children of Wood End Primary a new challenge - WOW!
WOW stands for:
Once a
It is quite simple; all the children need to do is walk to school at least once every week. If you need to travel into Wood End by car, you could park at the end of Wood Street one day and walk down to school. Our Junior Road Safety Leaders will check in to see how each class is doing at the end of each week this term. The children will bring home a diary sheet today where they can track the days that they walk to school. I will collect these in at the end of term and award house tokens for success and effort. 
We all know that exercise is good for our physical and mental wellbeing, and this is one little way we can make a positive change. I can't wait to see how you all get on.