

There is a joint governing body for Dordon and Wood End Primary Schools. The role of governors within our schools is to be 'The Guardians of Standards'. Governors do not get involved in the processes within school, that manage it day by day. They are responsible for governing the outcomes and holding the school to account.
They are there to provide challenge to the school, to ensure the school is always acting in the best interests of the pupils in their care.
Meetings are held half termly and focus on key elements within the school including leadership and management, quality of teaching, safeguarding, behaviour and finance.
Governors will be seen regularly in school as they meet with school leaders, take part in recruitment activities or verify what they have heard from school in a meeting. They are very much part of the leadership of Dordon and Wood End and we welcome their support.
Governing Body
Martin Eade - Chair of Governors (community)
Rachel Potter - Staff Governor
Amy Tiernan - Staff Governor
Trevor Turnbull - Community Governor
Louise Tunstall - Parent Governor
Kristy Clark - Parent Governor


Mr M Eade - Chair of Governors
c/o Wood End Primary School
Wood Street
Wood End