
Enterprise Day

Enterprise Day
Today all the children in school were involved in Enterprise Day. Each class had made a product to sell or a game to play. This is part of showing children how maths is used in everyday life. The children needed to work to a budget, create quality products and work out how much to charge to make a profit. When visiting the stalls, the children needed to recognise their coins to pay and give change. It was a brilliant day across the school. I can announce that the winning class for Enterprise day this year was ....
Fox Class
Congratulations Fox Class, your snowball toss game was a lucrative choice. 
After school, we invited families into join us for drinks and a tombola. This was well supported by parents and families and a great time was had by all. The Enterprise day was a wonderful day for the school. We raised almost £500 during the day so thank you to everyone who took part.